Monday, September 3, 2007

Consciousness or coincidence...?

Consciousness prevailing throughout the universe is one thing....

Coincidence is another. If one to were look back on the recent history of the United States, for example, there might be certain 'coincidences' that seem far too convenient. In the early 1990's, U.S. President George H.W. Bush responded immediately to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. The Bush family had enjoyed a friendly relationship with members of prominent royal families in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for decades, and Bush pressed the resources of the United States military into quick action. American television viewers cheered as infrared bombs exploded, oil fields blazed, and Iraq soldiers were killed in what was more like a staged movie set than the reality of 'war'. It was a heady demonstration of American military might, and Americans rallied 'round as their valiant troops pushed Saddam back and salvaged tiny Kuwait from a hostile takeover. Bush, however, was criticized, ridiculed, and humiliated for 'not finishing the job' and ousting Hussein at that time. Even Hussein joined in the ridicule, threatening to kill Bush and laughing as American troops withdrew and Hussein maintained control over his enslaved Iraqi people.

Bill Clinton's impious indulgences with a White House intern distracted Americans from war as Clinton's political opponents spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars 'investigating' what was little more than an illicit extra-marital affair with another consenting adult. While it titillated taxpayers, there was no doubt that this was nothing more than 'payback' for the Watergate scandal twenty-some years earlier, when Republicans saw their President reduced to writing a three-line letter of resignation from the highest office in the land. Congressional 'investigators' could hardly contain their glee over the possibility that Bill Clinton might actually become the second U.S. President to be impeached. One had to wonder about the hypocrisy of Republican senators and representatives, some who undoubtedly listened to the sexual soilage all day and then retreated to their private Capital Hill offices to be consoled, and assuaged, with blow jobs from their own palliating secretaries or interns. Ten years after Clinton's dirty laundry was aired, Republicans found themselves embroiled in countless scandals involving many of their own party's associates. Tom Foley was caught trying to seduce underage Congressional pages with explicit e-mail messages; Larry Craig was found trying to solicit sex from an undercover cop in the Minneapolis airport's public toilet. Apparently Clinton's activities weren't considered nearly as grotesque: his popularity ratings never waned throughout the Republican witch hunt of his personal affairs. Republicans, on the other hand, found themselves swimming in a cesspool of public outrage, demanding that they clean up their own back yards.

When George W. Bush came to Washington, DC, the coincidences couldn't be overlooked. Bush was determined to bring 'business as usual' back to the United States. The hell with this Bill Clinton sex stuff; the business of America was OIL and WAR PROFITEERING - and Bush intended to get back to business. How ironic that his Vice-Presidential running mate was, like Bush, an 'oilman' who had lathered himself in the largess of 'black gold', greased the necessary oil-slicked palms, and walked away from his position as CEO at a little-known company called Halliburton with a multi-million-dollar golden parachute.
Frank Rich, in his book "The Greatest Story Ever SOLD", alludes to how George W. Bush intended to attack Iraq from the very first day he stepped foot in the White House. There were three reasons for Bush's adamant objective:
1. The Bush family held a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein, ever since those days of Desert Storm. It was George W. Bush's mission to "finish the job" and "settle the score" with Hussein - at any cost;
2. Dick Cheney wanted all that OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands so that he and his oil friends could get richer and richer and richer feeding America's addiction to cheap, easily-accessible foreign OIL - at any cost.
3. Ever since World War II, the giant U.S. military-industrial complex had recognized how profitable 'war' could be. So, all the politicians were bought up, pricey lobbyists were hired, and special interest groups were formed to promote and encourage more 'war'. Thus, the U.S. became involved in the Korean Conflict, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Cold War, Vietnam and Desert Storm over the course of fifty years. Now it was time for a new 'war' to help corporations like McDonnell-Douglas, Sikorsky, and Lockheed-Martin boost their sagging profits from years of peace time. Add to that the two 'newcomers' to the government's war trough: the Carlyle Group and Halliburton both had direct ties to the Bush-Cheney White House. These two new government contractors needed to get their fair share of the government's gratuity; in order for that to happen, a new 'war' had to come about - at any cost.

Shortly after George H.W. Bush left the White House, he and several of his cabinet members (including James Baker) joined a start-up organization called the Carlyle Group, headquartered in Washington, DC, with an easy walk of the White House. The new consulting firm would include among its clients the United States government. Prominent investors from families in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait lined up to welcome their friend, George H.W. Bush, as one of its principals. One Saudi family by the name of binLaden cheerfully invested $2.5 million.

On September 11, 2001, the New York Twin Towers at the World Trade Center complex was attacked by fuel-filled jet planes that slammed into the buildings and killed about 3,000 people. Another plane allegedly crashed into the Pentagon, while still another (Flight 93) was supposedly forced to make a crash landing in rural Pennsylvania after being commandeered by some of the passengers, who sacrificed their own lives in order to save the terrorist highjackers from using the plane as a guided missile possibly headed for the White House. Speculation ran rampant as conspiracy theorists posted skeptical video on the Internet. Many witnesses and experts disagreed with a hastily-prepared government report that prompted more questions than it answered. The Bush administration quickly accused a known radical, Osama binLaden, as the man responsible for this tragedy. Emotions ran high, and Americans - and Congress - stood by as George W. Bush ran rip shod over the U.S. Constitution, made his own laws, and declared his intention to go to war with Iraq - a sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States! It made no difference to Bush; he was convinced there were 'weapons of mass destruction' stockpiled in Iraq, ready to aid "terrorists" from a sinister "evil empire". The Bush administration lied to Congress, hoodwinked the American populace, and conned valiant U.S. soldiers into believing they were going to 'war' in Iraq for honorable purpose. In fact, the Bush administration went to 'war' so a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists and power brokers could become wealthier and more powerful - at any cost.

Bush 'declared' war without Congressional consent. Three years later, in the midst of an unpopular and unconstitutional 'war' that had millions of Americans angry and distracted, Bush exercised his rampant powers again to do something dastardly:
In October, 2006, George W. Bush signed into law the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act which changed important, long-standing legal principles that limited the federal government's intevention in domestic affairs. These changes would allow Bush to declare martial law without even having to inform Congress or get its consent! The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 was virtually voided in favor of a U.S. President's whim to do whatever he chooses without any authority or cooperation from either of the other two branches of the U.S. government.

Worthy of notable interest, also: while all other aircraft was grounded on 9-11-01, U.S. government planes quietly escorted many prominent Saudi Arabian citizens out of the country, who were in Washington for a Carlyle Group investors' meeting. Larry Silverstein, a Bush family friend, owned the Twin Towers, which were hemorrhaging monumental losses. George W. Bush's youngest brother, Marvin, was in charge of security at the Twin Towers prior to the 9-11 tragedy. A few months after the emotional turmoil of 9-11 had died down, Bush stated publicly that he didn't know where Osama binLaden was, that he didn't care where binLaden was, and that binLaden was no longer a "priority". In fact, he ordered all of the federal agencies charged with the capture of binLaden to stop their searches!

Many believed this insane 'war' with Iraq was all about OIL and WAR PROFITEERING, and there was credible evidence to support such opinion. As the war's unpopularity grew, the Bush administration found itself mired in controversy. In a desperate attempt to pacify a new Democratic-led Congress Bush had established a list of about eighteen 'benchmarks' whihc, he said, had to be satisfied before the U.S. would allow Iraqis to take over governing their own country. The number-one non-military benchmark was "Bush's high-pressure push to ram his new oil law through the Iraqi Parliament. The official line was that this [was] a healing measure that would provide for fair distribution of oil profits among Iraq's Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds...." This report, from a 2007 edition of "The Hightower Lowdown", was highly critical of the 'real' purpose behind Bush's tactics. The report continued: "Truth is, this [was] not about sharing profits, but about a cynical power grab by multinational oil ginats. Big Oil got the Bushites to write a provision into the proposed law that would open two-thirds of Iraq's oil fields to ownership by foreign corporations - unlike Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran - all of which control their oil drilling and extraction. In short, the law would force Iraq to surrender sovereignty over its most valuable resource - and that's why it is no passing. One thing the nation's politicians can see is just how vehement opposition to Big Oil's law is.
So when you see stories about Bush, Cheney and others imploring Iraq's Parliament to pass this law - remember, they're not promoting national reconciliation, they're promoting a shameful oil scam." While the mainstream media failed to report this story, it had become frequent fodder in the alternative press and around the Internet. It was damning proof that Bush's 'war' was all for the sake of oil and war profits - something that did not sit well with most Americans.

When George W. Bush was assassinated on January 17, 2008 as he began to deliver his final inaugural address, the United States endured massive changes. Wealthy elitists, industrialists, power brokers and influential celebrities were all killed by a group called O.U.T.R.A.G.E. Unprecedented hurricanes hit the U.S. east coasts; a massive earthquake struck Los Angeles. All these events seemed to be a prelude to what happened on February 9, 2009....a turn of events that would dramatically change the entire world.

In 2008, a U.S. Presidential candidate was named Barrack Hussein it coincidence, or consciousness, that caused this candidate to carry names similar to two of George W. Bush's most onerous nemeses?

Conciousness prevaiing throughout the universe is one thing....coincidence is another.

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