Friday, September 7, 2007

A Gentleness Hugged the Earth

The 'eerie' calmness of the world accentuated other noticeable changes. A gentleness hugged the Earth. Even the most inhospitable regions of the globe were tempered. Harsh weather, seconds ago unihabitable, now greeted man, plants and animals. Out of necessity, tribalism societies had returned to an Earth which had embraced such tradition for millenia, prior to the advent of 'modern man' and his 'work-savng' machines and devices. Neighbors shared food, lived in comfortable conditions supplied by nature, and had everything the community needed for survival.

Gone were the Pakistani 'night letters' threatening death to any girls who dared to attend school or left their homes without the traditional burka.
Gone were the murderous gangs in Darfur who raped women, plundered villages and committed genocide that had, for years, went largely unoticed by the rest of the 'civilized' world.
Gone were the business ogres who believed that profit was the one god for which to live, and who actually enjoyed enriching themselves while enslaving others.
Gone were corrupt politicians, false prophets, deceitful community leaders and self-appointed kings and queens who put their lust for power above the needs of their constituents.
Gone were the mass marketers who created slick advertising campaigns that addicted consumers as easily as the plants from poppy fields addicted heroin users.

The world had formed a common bond, all because an extra-terrestrial army of translucent spheres had ascended upon the Earth and - instantaneously - transformed a gluttonous planet into a global garden of peace and humility.

Again - the questions remained: How?


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