Sunday, September 2, 2007

The "Gregorian Chant" of Physics

One of Albert Einstein's fundamental principles was called "the Gregorian Chant of physics" by author Thom Hartmann, which claimed that nothing could exceed the speed of light. Then came the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox, which promulgated the astounding theory that while it's scientifically impossible, "something" was "apparently" traveling faster than the speed of light! A universal consciousness defied man's laws of physics and nature; there were "things" out there that mere mortal men could not comprehend.

Hartmann pointed out in his book, "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight", that "the universe is made of consciousness...and nothing else." He wrote that "[w]hen a certain number of birds in England learned how to open the tops of milk bottles left out by milkmen in the 1930's, suddenly birds all over Europe began to do it. The speed of the transmission of the behavior defied any possibility that one bird had traveled to another and taught it...and the English Channel added a further barrier, as these were not migrating birds, but smaller than a typical sparrow."

In this modern era of computers and the Internet, jokes and crude photos circulated around the globe in seconds. But, when one thought about it: that was always the case! A worldwide consciousness allowed a new joke told in New York City to be heard in Los Angeles, Paris or Hong Kong at virtually the same time. How was this possible?

Scientists have observed schools of fish swimming in one direction, and - within a nanosecond, if danger was suspected - the entire community of these fish would immediately turn in the other direction. It all happened so fast that one wondered how it happened at all. Was there a an oceanlife consciousness that allowed thousands of these creatures to communicate with each other instantaneously, without so much as one member of the clan out of sync? How was this possible?

On February 9, 2009, thousands of orbital craft pounced on a stressed and weakened planet, invisible to the human eye, inaudible to the human ear. In an instant, these silvery, almost translucent blimp-shaped flying objects transformed the Earth, leaving only its goodness and richness while causing all of man's blight and destruction to disappear. All those things which modern industrialized man considered "progress" no longer existed. All those things which man had built for his own hedonistic pleasure or disdainful profit were gone. Gone, too, were all of the planet's truly evil, greedy, pleasure-seeking, money-grubbing, cheating, despicable people. Only those people who embraced wholesomeness, truthfulness, goodness and compassion remained. How had these silent spheres made such godlike determinations in less than the blink of an eye?

Surely this was not the work of a revolutionary group like Outraged United Taxpayers Revolting Against Government Excess (O.U.T.R.A.G.E.), which had caused a hi-tech American Revolution on January 17, 2008 when it used simple cell phones to assassinate much of the American social, celebrity and political elite. This was something more.......cosmic. This was something outside the realm of human comprehension.

It appeared that the arrogant, greedy, cowardly, and truly evil inhabitants of the planet had mysteriously vanished. It appeared that the meek had, indeed, inherited the Earth.



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